End User License Agreement

Paiactive smart products (include but not limited to Paiactive smart hardware, operation system, mobile application and cloud service, (“software”) copyright belongs to Laisi Information Technology (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. (“Laisi”). This End-User License Agreement is the final, complete and exclusive agreement between you and Laisi on the subject of software and replaces the discussion and agreement between the parties concerned before the merger on the above matters. This agreement shall be a legal limitation for you to use software. You have committed and guaranteed the right and ability to conclude this agreement by using software. You agree to be bound by the terms of the agreement. Please read the terms and conditions of this agreement carefully, including the waiver and restriction of exemption from Laisi and the limitations of the user (for minors, should be accompanied by a legal guardian when reading the terms). Please do not use software if you are unable to accept all terms and conditions of this agreement.

1.Notice for use

If you want to use functions of software, you must register a Paiactive account, and provide personal information on the registration page. All provided registration information must be true and valid, and the use of software must be legal. You must promise that your login information shall be confidential, not to be obtained and used by others, and you shall be responsible for all actions with your account. You must notify Laisi at the first time when any violation of the law, unauthorized use or suspected unauthorized use is occurred. Laisi shall not be liable for any loss caused by your failure to comply with the above requirements.

2. License

Subject to compliance with this agreement, Laisi licenses you the rights to download, install and use software obtained from any network communication. These rights are non transferable and non exclusive. Laisi (and its licenser, if any) has all relevant intellectual property rights of software. Any updates or future releases, updates or other changes to software will be subject to this agreement. The license of this agreement shall be subject to the following limitations:

• you shall not license, sale, lease, transfer, issue in any form or make other commercial use of software

• unless restrictions are prohibited by law, you shall not modify, decrypt, adapt, merge, utilize, decompile, rebuild, or reverse engineer any part or related products of software etc.

• you shall not use software for the purpose of creating same or competitive service

• unless explicitly defined in law, otherwise you shall not manufacture, copy, distribute, sell, download, or display any part of software in any form or method

• you may not delete or destroy any copyright clarification or other proprietary mark included in software

You shall pay for further costs by using the software, personal internet access or related telecommunication fees charged by third parties (including but not limited to telecommunications or mobile communications providers).

3. User content

"User content" means all content downloaded, published or generated when using software by user (e.g. your information, images, music or other content). You are the only person who shall be responsible for your user content, and you shall take the risk that your or any third party will be identified if your user content is disclosed. You agree that your user content is subject to restriction of section 4.

Your advice (or feedback) to Laisi, shall be deemed that you transfer full “feedback” right to Laisi, and agree that Laisi has the right to use this feedback and its relevant information in any reasonable manner. We shall treat such feedback information as non-confidential and non-proprietary. You agree that you shall not provide Laisi your confidential and proprietary information. We reserve the right (not the obligation) to check the user share content based on our judgment. We have the right to delete and remove your user share content at any time for any reason, no matter whether it is notified or not. We have the right to retain or terminate your account according to section 5.

4. Limitations and Restrictions

You agree to use the relevant services of software by sharing or other ways, and you shall be liable for all risks caused by the following actions in use.

• breach the basic principles of the constitution

• damage state security, leak state secrets, subvert state power and sabotage the unity of the state

• damage national honor and interests

• incite ethnic or religious discrimination and sabotage national unity

• spread rumors, disturb social order and sabotage social stability

• spread obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime

• insult or slander others, and infringing any rights and interests of others

• any contents prohibited by laws or administrative regulations

You agree not to perform following acts on software.

• publish or share computer viruses, worms, malicious code, software that intentionally collapses or modifies computer system or data

• unauthorized collection of information or data from other users, such as e-mail addresses

• malicious use of software in an automated manner, causing excessive load on the server or interfering, damaging web server and network links in other ways

• try to access server data or communication data of software without authorization

• interfere or sabotage software use of other users

5. Amendment and Termination

5.1 Amendment

This agreement allows for amendment. If any substantial change occurs, we will inform you by email or product announcements. Your use of software after the amended agreement becomes effective constitutes your acceptance of the amended agreement. Laisi reserves the right to amend, reserve or shut down any service of software from time to time without notification. You agree that Laisi shall not be responsible for you or third parties for amendment, reservation or shutdown any service of software.

5.2 Term and Termination

This agreement is effective upon your acceptance of the agreement. This agreement shall continue in effect until expiration or termination as provided herein. Notwithstanding the above regulations, if the time that your first use of software is earlier than the time that you accept this agreement, you are hereby aware and agree that this agreement shall enter into force upon your first use of this software, unless it is terminated in accordance with this agreement; we shall (1) reserve your right to use software or your account in accordance with the law; (2) terminate this agreement at any time, regardless of whether it is notified or not, including we believe in good faith that you failed to comply with our policy of acceptable use or other requirements described in this agreement; not subject to the provisions of preceding limitation, if the user infringes the copyright of a third party and Laisi receives a notice from copyright holder or its legal representative, Laisi reserves the right to terminate this agreement; if this agreement is terminated, your right to use software is terminated. You shall acknowledge that your user content will be deleted from our database once your use of software is terminated. Laisi shall not be liable to you for termination of this agreement, including the termination of your account and deletion of your user content.

6. Third Party

Some of our services are based on technical support from third parties, such as Apple iPhone, Android systems, etc. This agreement is signed between you and Laisi and not between you and the above third parties.

Third Party Information and Service

Software contains third party information and service. Laisi shall not control and be reliable for the third party information and service. You shall be legally responsible for the risks arising from the use of third party information and services. When you access the third party information and services, apply the third party terms and policies.

Other User

Software contains user content provided by other user. Software is not controlled and is not legally liable for the user content. Software does not have the obligation of inspection, monitoring, approval, commitment and guarantee of user content. You shall be legally liable for the risks associated with the use of user content and the interaction with other users. Your interaction with other users is a behavior between you and other users, Product shall not be legally liable for such behavior. You agree that software shall not be legally liable for the results of such interaction behavior.

7. Remedies

Laisi bears liability in accordance with statutory provisions in so far as the customer makes claims for damages that are based on intent or gross negligence of our representatives or auxiliaries. To the extent that no willful breach of contract can be imputed, liability for damages shall be limited to predictable, typical occurrences of damage.

Laisi bears liability furthermore, in so far as we violate an essential contractual obligation; however, in this case, liability for damages is also limited to a predictable damage that might typically occur.

Liability on account of culpable injury to life, limb or health shall not be affected; this shall also apply to mandatory liability as provided for in the product liability law.

8. Disclaimer

Laisi shall not be legally liable for any of the following circumstances:

• provide your personal information in accordance with the law or the relevant government department requirements

• disclosure of any personal information due to your improper use

• In any service interruption, disruption circumstances caused by hacker attack, computer virus, illegal content information, shielding harassment information, government regulation and other network technology, communication line, information security management etc., and can not fulfill user requirements

• any user loss caused by communications, line failure, technical problems, network, computer failure, system instability and other force majeure of third parties, such as communication supplier

• use of threats, slander or illegal content information from anonymous or imposter in software may cause risks

• software and the timeliness, safety and accuracy of the service of its partnership are not guaranteed by express or implied or in any form

9. Privacy policy

Please refer to our privacy policy is a part of this Agreement.

10. Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of United States. If any disputes arise on both sides, it shall be resolved friendly with negotiation; otherwise, it shall be resolved in the courts situated where Laisi is registered.

11. Severability clause

Shall any provision of this End User License Agreement be or become invalid or unenforceable, the remainder contract shall remain unaffected.

The parties undertake, instead of the ineffective regulation, to agree an effective regulation which comes as close as possible to the intended purpose.

The user privacy policy

The copyright of products (including but not limited to intelligent hardware products, mobile applications, cloud services, etc.) of Shanghai Laisi Information Technology Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies (here in after referred to as "Laisi information" or "we") are belong to Shanghai Laisi Information Technology Co., Ltd. we attach great importance to your personal information and let you have control over your personal information. We use powerful technologies to protect your privacy, while establishing strict policies to manage all your data. When you visit or use our products or use our services, you need to agree to the provisions of this policy on how we collect, use, store and share your relevant information. If you do not agree to anything in this privacy policy, please immediately stop using or accessing our products and services.

This privacy policy is designed to help you understand what information we collect in specific circumstances, why we collect it, and how you manage your own information. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact: register@laisitech.com 。

In providing services, we may collect, store and use the following information:

1. Collection of personal information

We use, save and disclose personal information to serve you by creating accounts, identifying users, responding to queries and emails. This product will provide you with content-based management and services, sending news, surveys, offers and promotions, and other promotional materials to better serve you.

If you want to use more functions of this product, you must register Laisi information cloud account in related Laisi Information products, and provide personal information on the registration page, such as your name, e-mail address, telephone number, address, communication record and so on. If you want to make the most of the sharing features we offer, you may also need to create a publicly displayed profile that may include your name and photo. If you fill in your personal information on other open platforms, other users may be informed of your information. This information is collected to help you complete your registration. This information is collected to help you complete your registration.

We will collect relevant information about your various intelligent hardware products under specific circumstances, such as device MAC address, Sn serial number, and device model to identify whether you are a Paiactive user or not, so that you can use the product easily.

Our products integrate Youmeng + SDK. Youmeng + SDK needs to collect your device MAC address, unique device identification code (IMEI / Android ID / IDFA / openudid / guid, SIM card IMSI information) to provide statistical analysis service, and provide basic anti cheating ability through geographic location calibration report data accuracy.

In order to ensure your normal use of this product, the normal operation of our services, correction and optimization of our service experience and account security, we will collect your IP address, operating system, access mode, type and status, operation log and service log. These information is the personal basic information that must be collected to provide services to you. We will comprehensively judge your account number, account and transaction risk according to the above information. Once we detect the existence or suspected existence of account risk security, we will use the relevant information for security verification and risk elimination, so as to ensure the security of products and services we provide to you that your rights and interests can be protected.

Our products open the function of community. When you use social functions such as community, we will collect the videos, photos, comments and interactive information you uploaded. Storage is a necessary condition to realize this function, so these information will be stored in our server. You can delete these information or contact us to delete it at any time. We will not provide the above information to the public or use the above information for other purposes other than the function unless you request it on your own.

2. Use of personal information

We may use the information collected above for the following purposes:

2.1 To provide you with services beneficial to users;

2.2 When we provide services, it is used for authentication, customer service, security prevention, fraud monitoring, archiving and backup to ensure the security and compliance of the products and services we provide to you;

2.3 Help us improve our existing products;

2.4 Make us know more about how you access and use our services, so as to provide personalized needs;

2.5 Perform software verification and upgrade services;

2.6 When providing specific services according to the special requirements of users, the information needs to be provided to our affiliated companies, third parties or other users;

2.7 Other situations that are beneficial to the interests of users and re SR information operators and do not violate any mandatory laws and regulations;

2.8 Let you participate in the investigation of our products and services.

Your personal information will not be used for any purpose other than those not stated in this privacy policy or the update of this privacy policy has not been notified to you in the first place. Anonymous summary statistics are not personal information defined in this product. We will save and use such information for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to analysis and usage pattern reports.

The product reserves the right to use and disclose anonymous aggregate statistical data for any purpose or unilaterally.

3. Disclosure of personal information

Except for the limited disclosure specified in this privacy policy, we will keep your personal information properly and will not disclose the customer list. You hereby authorize us to disclose your personal information to a third party without your consent under the following circumstances:

3.1 If we disclose such information to identify, contact or bring a lawsuit against actions that may cause damage to our rights or property, product users or any other person (including the rights and property of any other person); and;

3.2 The necessity of legal investigation;

3.3 Such disclosure is required by law or by subpoena or writ issued by other law enforcement agencies.

4. Equipment rights and reasons

1. Network permission: the permission of app to use the network

2. Reading mobile phone status permission: read mobile phone device code and make app data statistics

3. Access to call records and phonebook: app can inform the watch of incoming calls and missed calls in the form of notification to remind users of unsolved calls

4. Permission of WiFi use: it is used for the distribution network of intelligent devices. When distributing the network, you need to obtain the SSID of the WiFi network of the mobile phone, and then transfer it to the intelligent device through Bluetooth to form a connection

5. Bluetooth permission: smart devices need to apply for Bluetooth permission when transmitting data through Bluetooth

6. Location permission: used in the scene of getting weather and assisting users to select their own geographical location

7. Read and write external memory card permission: this permission is required for self upgrade of app, selection of avatar, storage of APP log, etc

8. Install application permission: for self upgrade of app

9. android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG read permission

After connecting to the smart watch, the user can turn on the watch notification. When calling, he can send the caller to the watch side. The watch side will display the calling interface, so that the phone can be answered or rejected at the watch end

10. android.permission.READ_CONTACTS scenarios of contacts permission:

When the user receives a new call and a new SMS, he can send the information of the sender and caller to the smart watch, and the watch terminal will display the corresponding information to the user

11. android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS use scenarios:

For answering and rejecting calls through smart Watch

12. android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

Android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION usage scenarios:

At present, location permission is needed in Bluetooth search

5. Security

For us, the security of personal information is very important. We will use reasonable commercial efforts to ensure the security of your personal information and implement reasonable business procedures to restrict unauthorized access, use or disclosure of your personal information. Despite the above measures, you should be aware that this product cannot completely avoid the security risks related to personal information. You should help us to protect your personal information, such as not to disclose your personal password. When you use the Internet normally, other Internet services may collect your personal information or anonymous data, so we cannot control, check or respond to such information.

This privacy policy does not apply to the collection of data from external websites after you click the link.

6. Collection and use of personal information of teenagers

We recommend that minors under 18 use this product under the permission and guidance of their legal guardian. This product will not use the personal information of minors, and will not disclose identifiable information to any third party. The guardian has the right to refuse to collect the personal information of the guardian further, or ask the product to delete the personal information of the ward.

7. User experience improvement

It is the company's persistent goal to continuously pay attention to and improve the user's product experience. The company will conduct a comprehensive evaluation according to the operation status and data of the products and services in the process of using the products and services. According to the evaluation results, the company will provide users with specific advices and suggestions on product use improvement, so as to continuously improve the user experience.

8. Disclaimer

8.1 In case of any of the following circumstances, the product shall not bear any legal liability

8.1.1 provide your personal information according to the requirements of laws or relevant government departments;

8.1.2 Any disclosure of personal information due to your improper use;

8.1.3 Any service interruption and obstruction caused by hacker attack, computer virus invasion, illegal content information and harassment information shielding, government control and any other network, technology, communication line, information security management measures and other reasons that cannot meet the user's requirements;

8.1.4 The user's loss caused by the third party such as the operator's communication line fault, technical problem, network and computer failure, system instability and other losses caused by force majeure;

8.1.5 The risks arising from the use of this product may be caused by the anonymous or fake information containing threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal contents from others;

8.1.6 The product expressly states that it does not guarantee the timeliness, safety and accuracy of the product and its cooperative company services in any form, express or implied.

8.2 In order to ensure your experience, we may conduct some tests on your network when there is a problem with the network connection.

9. Amendments to this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy allows for adjustments. If we make any material changes to the way we use your personal information, we will notify you through the email address you provided, or through the announcement of the product. Our email containing such change notice will undoubtedly form a valid part of the above change notice. If you do not want us to change the use of your personal information, you must inform us before you expect to stop using our account. Your continued use of the product will be deemed to be aware of and agree to be bound by such changes in the notice.

10. How to contact us

If you have complaints, suggestions and questions about personal information protection, you can contact us in the help center by Paiactive app.